Wednesday, August 9, 2017

HSC English 2nd Paper suggestion - 2018

HSC English 2nd Paper suggestion - 2018

Grammar:Follow  All Board & Nabadut Test Paper. You will get 100% common.

1. Wonder of modern Science
2. Unemployment problem in Bangladesh
4. Importance of Reading Newspaper
5. A journey by train/boat/boat
6. Digital Bangladesh
7. Childhood Memories
8. Aim in life 
9. Female Education.
10. Natural Calamities of Bangladesh.
11. Your Visit to a Historical Place
12. Population Problem in Bangladesh.
13. Flood in Bangladesh.  

1. Our country
2. A book fair
2. International Mother language day
3. Tree plantation
4. Deforestation
5. Environment Pollution
8. National Flag 

N: B: Paragraph from first paper can come into second paper.

1.      Price hike
2.      The lives of slum dwellers
3.      Fire on factory/slum
4.      Road accident
5.      Food adulteration 
6.      Cultural function – (annual sports day, cultural week, victory day, independence day, language day)
7.      Devastating flood
8.      Load shedding
9.      Traffic Jam 
10. Drug addiction


1. For transfer certificate/ testimonial/seat in the school hostel
2. For setting up a canteen/ language/ computer/ debating/ literary club/ multimedia class room.
3. For increasing library / common room facility
4. To go on a picnic/study tour/excursion  
5. For construction/repairing damaged bridge 

Be sure that you will get 100% common.

                                    We will give short suggestion soon. Just wait & comment us


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